Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Oooh Graham!

I just love the expression on my mother-in-law's face in this pic! Here they are, married for nearly 50 years and still holding hands. Lovely ;-)

This was taken after Graham's 80th birthday meal. I was hoping for a lovely pic of Graham with all his grandchildren but I used my dad's camera to take most of them and the ones on my camera were rubbish! So I may change the pic tomorrow, but for now, my 300th photo slot is given to Graham and Sylvia. Without these two special people I wouldn't have my hubby or my 3 gorgeous boys, so thank you.

Apart from the birthday meal, today I nipped into town with my middle son who was spending his first visit up town without an adult. He met two of his friends and wandered around the shops posing for a couple of hours. We then came home and finished the masks which still needed the eyes cutting out and the elastic adding. Quite a busy day really. I think tomorrow will be another busy one with a houseful for dinner again.

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