my corner of the world

By Vic

Jaden gala swim

Another day of feeling a failure with the camera but today there are a few more useable shots. Not sure what the swimming club will think. Tried some new settings. Photographed in shutter priority (never done that before) and used my big lens. Due to a mega high ISO, it's well grainy!

So here's Jaden -who swam his little heart out. He came 2nd in 2 of the races and 3rd in another. The relay where he had to swim in the under 11s and had to do breast stroke he came last. But try his best he did in all of them. So proud.

Jasmine danced all morning and has a friend round sleeping the night. They are planning a dance for a talent show! Least that's what they asked to do the sleep over for! They've played and screamed a lot, cooked pizzas from scratch and watched a DVD.....! Maybe the dancing comes tomorrow!

Full of cold now so off to bed with a good dose of night nurse!

Hope you are having a great weekend.

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