It just sort of clicked.

By shaunm

When one door closes

It falls off.

Well not quite, but the more I look at this firebox door the more i notice how much of a bodge it is... Will have to make a new improved one at some point.

Feeling a bit bogged down today... Too much work lately, its never ending.. People at me from all angles wanting things. This morning i taught a girl and her mum, they had had an argument last night so the little girl was a bit upset this morning. I managed to cheer her up though and her mum commented at the end and said she didnt know how/what Id done to get her out of the strop... And people think this coaching malarchy is easy... Its a lot of ****** hard work is what it is. I have to be cheerful all the time no matter what... Listen to peoples problems (although ive been told im a good listener) cheer people up and encourage.. Oh and teach them how to skate...

Am seriously in need of a hug... Just to recharge me a bit!

Anyway, ive back blipped from sunday.. Some Im chuffed with, others not so much... But hopefully the better ones will make up for it...

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