
By BikerJim

~Madonna de la Cañada del Oro~

~Mecer la Cuna~

My own loose translation is,
'Holy Mother of the Canyon of Gold,
Rocking the Cradle'.
I am not a Spanish linguist, sorry.

This is the image I tried to capture yesterday,
when that beautiful sunset got in the way.
I do not know if this is a divine apparition of nature,
or the work of some long forgotten artist.
To me it is still a very special find,
as I am very devoted to the Holy Mother.
A week or so ago I spotted this white cross
on the other side of the Cañada del Oro River.
I wanted to photograph it because it looked
nice sitting on top of this riverside cliff.
Upon closer investigation I discovered
this 'sculpture' at the base of the cliff.
I guess because of my strong faith
I immediately recognized it as a likeness
of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,
and she appears to be rocking a cradle.
I am not a religious fanatic, but I am going
to research this perplexing curiosity.
I have been an amateur geologist all my adult life,
so this structure is possibly by natural erosion.
And also being an artist all my adult life,
I can see someone being inspired to create this.
Either way, I also see the sublime hand of God at work!

I posted two close-up photographs
of this 'form' on my Flickr page.
Have a look if you are so inclined.
Image #1
Image #2

Thanks for considering my photograph.

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