It caught my eye

By Pixiemo

Neddies Field

I missed my Blip yesterday and was really upset as I suddenly realised at 1153pm and tried to upload a photo from my phone at my friends house only to find I had no signal aaargghh
By the time I had sorted wifi it was after 12 so it was then Saturday ...
Lesson learnt me thinks as that is the second time, that has happened and strangely both times on a friday night when I was going out and therefore rushing and then alcohol was drunk and nothing with photos happened and it all went terribly wrong.
So today, I was going to be prepared, yes that is right Blip planned ! well nearly as my head not quite with it and twice I left the house and forgot to take my camera with me when I went out and about ...
On route to dancing we spotted these horses in a field and they looked so happy from a distance so armed with Iphone ( yes I know .. not a real camera ) I went to get a shot.
My daughter caite picked this as her favourite and we are posting it well before the midnight shut down just to be safe ..
Have a happy blip weekend

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