Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


We had some friends coming over today so I had a manic morning of cleaning and baking - then they didn't get here until 3, so I could have taken my time!

Neil is going out tonight so Henry ended up sharing his bath which was half an hour earlier than usual. He'a usually pretty grumpy by bath time but tonight he was still quite happy so he got a couple of bedtime stories - Neil read him guess how much I love you and then I read him the Henry book from the Thomas the tank engine series.

He's done brilliantly with food again today - toast and cream cheese then fruit salad purée for breakfast, some apple spelt biscuits for a snack then a fishfinger and the rest of the fruit salad purée for tea. He broke the fishfinger into bits, sucked the breadcrumb coating and used his pincer grip to put flakes of fish in his mouth.

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