A year in the Liefe of

By LainieC

In The Spotlight

Tyler decided he'd had enough of Leo being 'in the spotlight' so decided to get in on the act.Being a cool dude, and being the Diva Heva that he is , he insisted on being spotlighted in blue. We thought up a few possible titles for his new musical number.See what you think!
Burlington Westie:This was my dad's favourite song which I remember him performing not only me as a child but my children after that.
Top hat , White Coat and Tail:This is Tylers adaptation of Fred Astaire's well known hit.
Happy Paws:a new release following on after 'Happy Feet 2.' Why should some all dancing, all singing penguins steal the limelight????
Barking in the Dark: a cross between 'Singin' in the Rain' and 'Dancing in the Dark!'Could be a hit!
Best Paw Forward:Let's face it, anyone can dance with two feet, so dancing on four paws has to be twice the hit of the 1943 Broadway film.
Showdog:The sequel to 'Showboat.'
There's more where these came from but I'm afraid it's that time of day when a dog's gotta do what a dog's gotta do!
Have a fun evening.

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