More Than Words


The old and the new.

This is my favourite blip of the week and i promise not to mention Liam for once.....I was tidying out old toys and I was struck by the difference between these 2 toys, the first being from my generation and the second very much belonging to this generation. The clunky box on the left is a Fisher Price record player, probably from the seventies and I ALWAYS wanted one (but never got one!) it came with about 5 records, one of which was twinkle, twinkle little star. I think it would still be popular with little children but this generation would think of it as a dinosaur. On the right is the ipod which has gone through many transformations since its birth. This is an ipod touch and so one can watch movies (albeit uncomfortably), listen to music, skype and much more. I also have an adaptor so I can download photos onto the laptop but I CAN'T FIND IT. That's the really annoying thing about Apple-you're always having to buy extra gizmos to make them compatible with other computers and software. Maybe I'll start a scrapbook..............

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