More Than Words


Egg Chair

I have been off air for a while trying to sort out my life. Liam has become aggresive, unhappy and unregulated. There have been many changes in his life: brent in Iran, starting school and having carers in the afternoon before I come home from work. I'm working through all these changes one at a time but it's uphill when you're on your own. My other boys have been very distressed at his behaviour. I have some respite care this afternoon which is why I can write again. He nearly wouldn't get into the car and I felt I was going to implode but finally he agreed to go in my care (rather than the carers). I'm not even sure it's insured. She looked over 40 but I didn't ask....
So what's with the chair. It's chair that swivels and you can pull the front down and be totally enclosed. It's from the Swedish flat pack shop! I thought he would love it as he has been hiding but no such luck yet. All the other kids love it (as demonstrated by my neighbour Shea) but not Liam as yet. One good thing-I managed to put it together with no help!!

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