Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

This is Boring >:[

Corra and Loki having to tolerate me asking them to pose for a photo. They wanted to look at everything but me/the camera because THIS IS BORING.

I took Corra to the dog park today to see how she'd like it. Between Hubby and I, Loki used to go pretty much every week day. However, this really ended up exasperating his reactivity issues, so we stopped taking him. Now with Corra, I really want to give her the opportunity to hang out with lots of other dogs and meet lots of dog-loving people, and the dog park is a good place for that (usually) - but I am definitely going to proceed with caution. She did really well today. A little tentative at first, but she seemed to have a lot of fun playing with other dogs and soliciting pets and squees of "ADORABLE!!" from complete strangers :3 Other than a lab/poodle thing making her uncomfortable and an Australian Cattle Dog barking in her face trying to herd her (at least his owners were right on top of that!) it was a success :) So I think this will become a weekly trip for us. We'll see how it goes. I'll see about bringing my camera next time, but there were like 30+ dogs and way more people than that - so a lot going on when I am trying to keep her out of trouble ;)

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