Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Wolf Picture

I drew a wolf today. I labelled it, because I'm not artistically gifted, and I didn't know whether people would know it was a wolf if I didn't label it.

In fact, art was my second worst subject at school. My worst was P.E. We had double art first thing Monday mornings the last year I took it, and we had to sit in a freezing cold room round tables on which were placed jars of sticks, which we had to draw. I was rubbish, and drew rubbish sticks, and then I had to draw rubbish sticks again and again.

After a year of drawing rubbish sticks I gave it up and didn't bother with art in any way, shape or form until I lived in London many years later and started going to galleries.

I'm still rubbish at drawing though, although I do a reasonable line in stick-person cartoons!

So, WHY did I draw a wolf. Well, quite simply because a friend of mine on facebook wanted as many of her friends as possible to draw wolves, photograph them, and then e-mail them to her, for some project she's up to. She's promised a chocolate bar to each of her wolf drawing friends!! I even went downstairs especially to fetch the brown pen for my wolf. I figured a brown and grey variegated wolf would be nice!

Apart from drawing a wolf today I've been fretting about the snow and what impact it might have on planned rat-related activity this weekend. I've also been trying to work on my Welsh, although getting distracted by all sorts of other things, like drawing wolves!

This is the way life goes sometimes!

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