Ex-Sitting room window!

Sometimes you have to just have faith and be patient. Postie has got a few days off at the moment so has been cracking on, finishing bits and pieces in the new kitchen. Gone is the dark little window with its chintzy floral curtains, frilly pelmet and tie backs, its leaded window panes and dark wood frame. Now there is a very handy cookery book shelf and drinks store! And a new big glass door leading into the "one day before too long" sitting room!

I can claim no part of the hard work achieving this bit, other than providing coffee and cake at regular intervals! Today I was in the mood for a bit of cooking/baking so I boiled a smoked hough and made a hearty rib sticking soup and then made a lemon sponge pudding for - well, pudding! It was a sort of celebratory dinner, and it went down a treat!

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