Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones

Extreme Angle

Ok, so maybe the angle is not all that extreme (for the 10th feb challenge), but what was extreme was the effort of being nearly 7 months pregnant and legging it up and down the stairs with the camera on timer. I really didn't want to do a self portrait today - want to wait until bump has doubled in size again before doing a proper bump shot - but unfortunately I was the only available model during my small window of blippertunity, so me it had to be. Man, my calves are aching! I did get a few nice shots of Boo from above, but the angle felt even less extreme than this one. It was a hard challenge. I feel like it needs a skydive or something in order to justify the word 'extreme' (although lmgl's entry for today did make me smile). Happy weekend folks. Husband has a very rare and unexpected saturday off tomorrow - hooray!!!

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