2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

Slow news day

This was a bit of a slow news day.
A mundane day at work made much better by the weekly club run at Wesham Road Runners.

Tonight was our monthly handicap and having predicted 31 minutes for the 4 mile route I found myself with runners I would say are faster than I am. But the handicapper decreed that I was as fast as they are so who was I to argue?

Off I went, gave it my best shot, worked hard, and triumphed with 29 minutes 36 seconds.

This ends the good news because next month the handicap won't be as generous :)

With a few of us still chatting after the run, one of our members thought it would be amusing the switch the lights off and leave us in darkness. This is the last moment of light in the room :)

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