Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

bedtime jewels

Fail on the extreme angle challenge....i tried I really did.

Miss Pink has gone to bed with bunny and pretties. These pretties in particular. They were dangling from her hand when I went up to check on her.

I've had a day of catching up with new and old friends. First to eat chocolate brownies with Gill, and then to the soft play centre with miss Pink to meet up with some friends we hadn't seen for a while. The soft play was so busy. I lost Miss Pink at one point, whenI found her she was crying; the very helpful lady next to her, said "she's been crying like this for ages". Right, well that's my bad mummy badge for the day then!!!

Miss pink was sick on the way home from soft play. I'm hoping it was a bit of travel sickness/over excitedness, as she's been fine since.

Master Pink didn't want to swim tonight, so we've had a DVD and carpet picnic.

I'm very glad that it's half term though.

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