More Life of Sands

By sands

RIP Jupiter

Sam was working in Flagstaff today so the plan was for me to go in with her and spend the afternoon at the cinema & the shops while she was teaching. Jupiter was looking a little off this morning & I offered to stay at home & keep an eye on him instead but we decided he would be ok.

We had some lunch in Flagstaff & Sam dropped me off at the cinema. I saw Man On A Ledge and it was really good. I spent the rest of the afternoon mooching around the shops in Flagstaff & then met Sam & her friend, Nicole, for dinner.

Sam & I stayed at this hotel for New Year's Eve 2 years ago and it had the same sign up then so it looks like we would still be welcome ;-)

Sam & I got home at about 9pm and sadly, we found Jupiter curled up on the sofa. He wasn't asleep - but thankfully he had passed away peacefully in his sleep......RIP Jupiter, one very special boy xxx

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