Views of my world

By rosamund


Today was an inservice day at work which was more tiring than you might think as I was leading the morning session with all the early years staff across our cluster and have been doing a lot of work this week to prepare. It all went well though and I now have 4 glorious days off.

I got home in the lightest daylight yet and stopped off at the esplanade for a quick blip or two. These are last weeks cranes in their busy working position, I couldn't see if they were loading or unloading the cargo ship Endeavour but I love the way these enormous cranes move to do their job.

The booms are always down to do their work but are returned to an upright position when not in use as they extend 32m from the jetty. They also run on a rail along the harbour side to enable them to get in the right position alongside the ships. I find it all quite fascinating and have become a bit of a boat geek since moving to Gourock. Hopefully there will be plenty more boat action over the next few days as I relax and unwind ahead of another busy term.

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