This day

By snapper

Grey day!

Another dreich gray day. Headed off to Furnace with the choir conductor to meet with the Meenister who was going to record the words of the Mod songs onto her laptop. "Where is you house" I asked the good meenister, "och don't worry I will put a cone out at the gate" says he. We got to Furnace and the whole bloody village had cones at gate, in the passing place, by a road end there were more cones there than people!
Anhows after a wee blether with them and Ben the dug it was down to business and we recorded the Rev saying the words of the Gaelic songs we had. He has such a lovely lilt and easy to understand and afterwards I would be able to help the choir go over the words as they prepare their songs for this year's Mos which will be in Dunoon. I as amazed at the clarity of the recording on my pal's Mac laptop on a bit of software called GaragBand, I have a Mac laptop sitting at home and never use it as I understand PC's better.
Anyways we got home and made it an MP3 file so I can listen to it and get to know the words too. AFter that my pal also took two clarsachs to Oban for them to go on to the island Of Coll. I hate the clarsach or the harp! to me its just a giant cheese grater!

Still hmoe alone (with the dogs) so am eating Kraft Cheesy Pasta , if chubby hubby were here he would want tatties with it too so good not to have to deal with the damn spud!

Well must off and eat my pasta
Happy blipping all

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