This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Dreams of glass houses

Today we walked to the Royal Botanic Gardens and it was so lovely. It was just the misty cool weather that I enjoy. Once in the gardens the birds were singing and I realized how much I missed the birds from home. There are places like the ocean and now the sea that restore me and botanical gardens can be added to that list. I do not think of myself as much of a nature person but when I am without I realize the importance to my well being. I love trees, grass, shrubs, rocks, running water, birds, fresh air. I like variations on all these things.

I live "downtown" in my small town, but as many of you know from blips past my yard is wild and the birds sings constantly. The Botanic garden was just what I needed and just like after the day I spent on the sea, I feel revitalized.

I also bought crazy amounts of aromatherapy stuff at the garden gift shop and some chocolates infused with whisky! So I think I would be feeling peaceful regardless, but hell... those chocolates are heaven!

There were many charity shops browsed on the way back home - a tea pot was found! And we stopped into this pottery/gallery I had just read about and we bought two pieces of ceramics- just gorgeous work by Lara Scobie.

Any day that ends with new art is a good one.

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