Journey of Love

By HeartNectar

Testing driving "Home"

Today we packed up and headed to St. Pete. Karen and Frank were there visiting their new Florida home. It is so exciting watching them manifest a really fun, new life for themselves. Their generosity of spirit and encouragement is astounding to me, especially after the emotional rollercoaster of my last year and the emotional burns I received via family. They are like positive, trusting versions of my own parents and I am thankful to feel so loved and included in their lives.

We strolled around their neighborhood with even had a canal looping throuhg it. Drew and I were like kids on Christmas morning, looking at the amazingly cheap homes for sale, envisioning ourselves in them, the fun we would have building a home together, the sense of accomplishment, contentment, and the joy of learning new skills we never knew we dreamed of . Did I say we were EXCITED! Everything we have dreamed of is falling into place. In a matter of months, we will be living next to the beach, wonderful family, community, opportunities, new friends, and all that life has caused us to want at this point in time. And it has come easily, serendipitiously.

Someone from work last nite said people envy our family, that they didn't understand how we could be so happy all the time.. I think many people think our happiness is an act, a mask....but it is not. It is our, and everyone's, birthright to be happy. I believe in happiness. I also believe happiness begets more happiness, so I fill up my cup and let it overflow to those that I can and pay no attention to those who would frown upon the joy of others. I will help those who are within my reach to help, and allow myself the goodness and blessings that others wish to bestow upon me. I believe in the goodness of this world and it's people, so this is the evidence that life must show me. I plan to take my life by the horns and squeeze out every moment of joy I can from it. Sacrificing or depriving myself will never bring another person gain. My thriving shows those who are where I was, that they too can make it, can live in a state of bliss, consistently. So, I joyfully stand where life has called me, and I claim all the goodness that is me. is suppose to be a big shift in consciousness,...a time of change, a time when the positive energy on the planet tips the scales. A time of letting go, allowing. I feel this in my life, and on a global scale, and I just love being alive right here and now. Life is so beautiful. I am thirsty and ready for more!

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