An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

A Day of Welcome...'s blip is brought to you courtesy of Lemsip Max, Ibuprofen and copious amounts of easy-on-the-nose balsam tissues hmmm....not THAT easy-on-the-nose given I could give Rudolph a run for his money!

Got a lie in till 6.45am (woo hoo, a full 15 mins longer than normal) then we were all up and out and at the new house for 10.00am. Welcomed Sue, Chris and Morna to the house for the first time and used the occasion as an excuse to stuff ourselves with coffee, scones, pancakes and biscuits. Well it's only polite! :-)

After lunch, David and I headed out to take Alan to visit what will be his new school. Don't know who was more nervous, him or us definitely us! Just as David and I had been last week, we were once again made very welcome, despite it being obvious from our snottery beaks and the reek of Olbas Oil, that we were carriers of the most vile germs!

Alan was rather quiet and a bit straight faced when we arrived but within a few minutes of being there he relaxed (and so did we) and we had the loveliest visit.

Everyone was so friendly and welcoming and the most wonderful thing of all was they kept saying how much they are looking forward to him starting. Despite feeling rotten, he turned on the charm in response and when asked at the end of the visit if he was looking forward to going to school there, his answer was a definite yes! PHEW! We are SO relieved and happy!

Visit over, we headed back to the new house as Alan wanted to have his dinner there (another sign that he's settled and comfortable) and I got the chance to further investigate my new camera! Oh heavens! There is so much to learn but I will get there.....and have fun along the way. Was testing my macro lens with this shot and I'm quite pleased with it considering this little bud was about the size of a pin head!

Thank you so much for your comments on yesterday's blip and apologies for not getting around to commenting in return. As soon as Alan was in bed last night I was feeling so rotten, I was right behind him and I suspect tonight will be the same! :-(

But hey, chin up's almost the weekend! :-))

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