
By PrimeMart

J is for Jack, Jarrel, Jenna, John, Jan et al

I have 2 children, Dozy and Jacca, of whom I am immensely proud.

I was speaking to a student at work today about families and names. Her and her 2 siblings forenames all begin with K. I remarked that I have 4 cousins whose names begin with M.

'Thats nothing,' K exclaimed.

'I have 17 cousins whose names all begin with J!'

I commented that J must be a popular letter in her family, and how and why did the various parents decide on the J theme?

'No, they all belong to my Uncle John!'

It appears that he has fathered 17 little J's, spread across 2 wives and a girlfriend.

I assumed this was consecutively rather than concurrently, but did not dare enquire further.

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