fovea centralis

By fovea

fire alarm

its 3am; i am startled awake by a shrill wail. i have only been asleep for about 2.5 hrs.

it's freezing outside. only half of the apartment building has decided there really might be a fire and has evacuated. even if i knew there wasn't a fire, i don't think i could stand the piercing alarm.

30 minutes of talking with neighbors and trying to figure out what's going on. alarm is turned off and we can return inside. i am cold and awake, but i know i need more sleep if i am going to be able to think clearly for my exam. i crawl back into bed, hoping sleep finds me soon.

the alarm goes off at 5. i snooze to 5:15. By 5:30 i am over at Liz's for our usual pre-exam review session. the first exam starts at 8:30, the second at 1pm.

what a day. i am so tired.

hoping your monday was better.


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