On my Head Be It

By OnMyHeadBeIt

Day 8

Big thanks to today's head donor Fish4comics on Whitchurch Road. It's a Moogle . Damn bloody cute I think. Good thing it was donated cos I was going to steal it anyway. Moogles can fly. They suck up air to inflate themselves and float. I know quite a few people who can do that too. Seems my little story will be published in the Wales on Sunday. Hopefully it comes across well and I don't look like a nutter. If it helps to hightlight the cause and raise money for cancer research then it's a good, positive thing. Been given some well groovy stuff from other traders in Whitchurch Road. Will show you all on here in good time. Will deffo be back to Fish4comics for stuff for Free Comic Day and May the 4th Be With You.

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