to my bones

By mavo

bye bye Tralee.. Hellooooo Sweden!

so it was time to leave Tralee.. I thought that I would cry like crazy the whole train trip from Tralee to Dublin but no I was just smiling a lot while thinking how amazing time we had in Tralee :) Really.. that really was the time of my life. Best 5 months that I've ever had so I have no reason to be sad, I'm so lucky..

I spent the last days in the neighbors as everyone else were either in copenhagen or in austria and we just have the best neighbors :> The only time when I almost started crying was in the morning when I took the taxi, got my luggage in the car and drove away and saw Sebastian waving at the door for goodbye.. I'm gonna miss all of them so much. But before that, the morning and the past two days we were just joking and laughing around and enjoying the last days. Amazing people.. :)

I left in the morning and finally in the evening I got to T Centralen in Stockholm and saw Baby, Lola, Samuel and Gijs! Baby started to cry and that was the sweetest moment in a while :) I was so happy to see her! We went together to the hostel to see everyone else also and had a good erasmus evening again ;D haha, Erasmus is not over!

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