Snapped !

By Laur

Sausage & Mash

Hello you ,

Today was a full day with work and uni and tutorial reading to do . By the time I got into bed I was so tired I crashed before i'd even finished watching Dr who {circa rose and david tennant , made me fall completely in love with him again} Another full day tommorrow but my room now looks much better i've moved things around - much more spacious. And finally the gift Alisha bought me is on the wall , meaning I *fingers crossed * won't be constantly looking for my keys . That's if i remember to hang them up ! Mumma flew back from Ireland today and I spoke to Nanny , she seems positive. The next fornight feels like it's going to be busy ... But it means the count down to Yasmin's visit will be even more enjoybale .

Stay Close , I love you x

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