Red Flash

By RedFlash


Nothing much to say about today.

I was busy all day working on packs of information for meetings.

Rushed out at lunch time for coffee with a chum and I was amazed at how cold it was.

He needed something from the local bike shop, so while he haggled over the amount of discount they were going to give him I stood outside taking photos.

The benefit of taking photos in London is that I am completely invisible. I know this, because lots of people walk into me or knock me with their bags. They are therefore oblivious to the fact that they have been blipped.

The moon tonight is stunning and alot of you have blipped it but my skills and knowledge of the camera are not up to it yet.

Not looking forward to tomorrow as it will be more of the same.

To those of you that are ill - just take whatever helps you to feel like yourself.

I won't confess to what I am taking

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