Just a moment in my day

By bongo

A shoebox made a differance

I heard a talk yesterday at my childrens school assembly from the man who runs samaritans purse in Scotland.
He was very charismatic and had the children enthralled by all he said he showed a short film that had been put together from photographs of when the shoeboxes had been distributed to children.... I was very touched by this and thought that we spend far to much on ourselves and those nearest to us when all they really need is our time and attention.
Makes you think... a child asked a question Why is this the first present that this child has ever had? Why did he not make a list? What do you say to this... He replied because the parents had no money for paper or pens to write this list.
Has really left a mark on me and has inspired me to carry on with these boxes as they mean the world to the recipient.

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