Every photo tells a story

By 5strings1

It's an ill wind ...

A flickrfriend had advised me that a local church had self-combusted as it were. I worked on a mill called Centenary Mill and when on the top floor had a good look around the surrounding district. There were several churches built in the high Victorian period. Regretably, most of them no longer served the purpose they were intended for! I had a look at the burned church, and although it was a beautiful building, in the classical style, it had been constructed from "common" brick rather than stone. The consensus was, it would be demolished and made into "Student Accomodation". Cynic that I am, even with my experience within the building trade. It was in the process of being scaffolded in avery hearty capacity as I went past today. I take it from that, there is no hurry to demolish. The building was described as the Ethical Spiritualist Church, and I would like to think, that these "Non-Conformists," have the wherewithall to restore it to its former glory. With the sky being so blue today, I thought I would try to capture an image of the charred oak beams, against a vivid blue sky, but saw another potential image in the distance. It was a weather vane, which I framed through the arched window. I had to visit the weather-vane, and noticed this rather young peregrine Falcon perching just below. I apologise for the quality of the image, but it was taken at a great distance, via my budget 300mm zoom lens. The Peregrine was eying up 3 rather portly pigeons, sunning on a nearby roof. I don't know how the story ended.

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