
By Twitish

cyril the cyclist and co.

Never been quite sure about these PG Tips egg cups. They're not mine but my husband's.

The story goes, when he was a child he and his brother had collected them, somehow they got lost either in a loft or a house move ( I think sold - for hard cash). Anyway he had always wondered where they had gone and every so often asked his mum if she had found them but alas they were never found. So he bought his brother one off an expensive retro site about 10 years ago and then a month later found this set of 4 for less than he had bought the one for. Now they sit all day long in a kitchen cupboard. Useful !

Anyone want to make me an offer ;-)

So introducing;
Mr Shifter
Navvy chimp
Sergeant chimp
and last but not least cyril the cyclist

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