Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

New Vehicle?

Well, what a day!

The original plan had been to get up slowly, have pancakes for breakfast, then get on the road down to Devon to visit MiL and FiL (a belated trip for MiL's birthday and to celebrate the latest scan showing significant improvement), have lunch, have birthday parcels, then poddle home, via a friend of mine in Taunton who was giving me a whole load of rat stuff that she no longer needs.

However, the night before we'd thought we might have to go a bit earlier because of the forecast snow, so we set the alarm.

When we got up, the snow forecast was predicting snow to start from about 3pm where we were, so plans changed again.

We got up quickly, had a brief cereal breakfast, then got underway. We contacted my friend to ask if we could call in on the way to MiL and FiL's instead, which we did. The Wonderspouse had to drag me away because it was so fantastic talking rat! :-)

Then to MiL and FiL's, where this was parked RIGHT outside their front door! Furthermore, there's a MASSIVE hole in the pavement outside their house. Apparently it's waterworks and they're also going to be without water for 4 days while the works are done (it will be turned on at night though). Not ideal when neither of them is 100% well.

We did toy with the idea of taking the thing for a little drive though! ;-)

After fish & chips for lunch we did birthday parcels, with which MiL was very pleased, then got back on the road again, this time in a bid to get home before there was any possibility that we wouldn't be able to.

The M5 was OK up until around Bristol, when it started to snow quite a lot. By the time we left the motorway and came over the Cotswolds towards home, I was starting to use winter driving skills, and the number of cars on the road had dwindled considerably - traffic was mainly land rovers and so on by then.

However, we got safely home, parked up the car, brought in all the bits and pieces, and settled down with wine and crisps in front of the telly.

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