Journey Through Time

By Sue

One of Eighteen!

Eighteen different kinds of warbler's nest or migrate through western North America. So says my bird book, anyway. The one we see the most of is this Townsend's Warbler. He does like his conifers, which there are plenty of in our little woods behind our house, and our neighborhood in general. He is a little bit of yellow and black darting here and there. I was happy he paused long enough to wonder what I was doing.

Another day with the east wind keeping the fog and clouds at bay. The sky is a bright blue and I had the south facing front door open all day, letting in the light and the warmth through the glass security door. Even though we may feel the effects of a dry winter later on in the year, this sunshine had been a welcome respite from the rain. I spent the day cleaning and waiting for a phone call. Don't you HATE that? Making sure the phone is within reach, going so far as to take it into the bathroom with you, waiting, waiting, waiting. So, I call the bank..of course it is one of the evil banks.. and she says, "Now what was it you wanted again?" AAAARRRGGGHHHH!

If you want to see just how windy it can get in the Columbia River Gorge at the Crown Point Vista House, you can see it here. This is one of our local news reporters experiencing hurricane force winds.

Nice to see the robins showing up again. And this squirrel probably was very happy to find a piece of apple to make off with. I don't name our squirrels because we have 3-4-5 or more at any given time and I wouldn't know one from the other.

Have a good day Blippers! See ya later.

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