My Life Is Not Average

By melamny


This is about the best my little camera can do when it comes to taking photos of the moon. I played around with some of the settings so it didn't just look like a big blob of white. It's not focussed, but I'm not sure how to solve that one. I used a mini tripod thing to take the shot.

This morning, I woke up to my alarm at quarter past 7, but the next thing I knew, I woke up again at five to 9. Whoops. So, I didn't make my physics lecture (but it turns out they spent most of the time looking at particle accelerators from space on Google maps, so I didn't miss much) but thankfully they still accepted my hand-in, which was due before the lecture! I didn't feel so guilty about the sleep-in after that.

Today has been filled with lectures and working on my lab report (it's almost done!) and discussions about God. Good times.

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