
By PrimeMart


After a long day teaching, we had further training this evening on questioning strategies.

I probably should have been paying more attention. Instead, in a reverie of quiet contemplation and reflection, I mused over some of the questions I had asked, been asked or should have asked during the day.

8:45 am 'Tyler where are your school trouser's?'

I dunno sir, I think i forget them!

11:15 am Sir I feel sick, can I go out and get some fresh air?

'No just sit there for a moment and rest......... Oh, maybe you should have gone out, oooops a bit more eh? Better out than in. Ahhh some more just by the doorway, lovely.'

8:45 pm 'Why oh why am I in here at this time in the evening?'

If I had listened more at the training, I could categorise each of these questions according to Bloom's taxonomy.

What I do know, is that taken as a whole, they add up to a pretty humdrum day.

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