Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones

Irony / Bounce (mmmaybe not!)

So the title for today's challenge was 'bounce (mmm!)'. I wasn't sure if the 'mmm!' was meant to be part of it, so decided to include it. I had a plan to make a huge chocolate cake, position it on the sofa and then take a photo (composited, for the sake of the sofa and the cake) of Boo diving in to the cake (hence the 'mmm!'). Here lies the irony: On any given day, a bouncing photo would be my default, easy blip if I can't think of anything else to photograph. Boo spends his life bouncing; on sofas, beds, trampolines, on me, on the floor, off the walls... you get the idea. Anyway, we went to a play centre at lunch (sans camera - I was so very confident of being able to create my bounce shot once home) where huge amounts of bouncing took place. We then went to the supermarket to buy the ingredients for the great big cake. A funny thing happened when we arrived at the entrance. Boo did not resist getting in the trolley. This is very unusual - he normally likes to bounce around the aisles, and bounce various products on the floor. He sat quietly in the trolley and then asked me if he could please go to sleep. I made a cushion for him with his coat, and he slept. His eyes were getting suspiciously gunky. Still feeling optimistic, I bought all the cake ingredients, and then went on to spend far far too much on my grocery shop (it is a long time since I have had the luxury of a sleeping Boo in the supermarket! Had to make the most of it). By the time we got home, Boo was all feverish and sweaty, with sore ears, nose and eyes. He walked through the door and collapsed in a little miserable heap on the very same sofa that we had planned to create our bouncing masterpiece on. So here he is, my sweet little bouncy angelic child - poorly, tired and in need of lots of cuddles. And my blip has become the antithesis of the brief, but I think that's ok. I have responded to the title, that's got to count for something! The next few days could be a challenge - gunky eyes and a fever = no nursery = odd jobs and arty projects on hold. That's ok though. Quality time for Boo and I, and as for all those cake ingredients, well luckily it's cousin's birthday tomorrow so it won't go to waste!

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