MissTracy Photography

By MissTracy

Snow Stops Play...

Woke up to this view. The snow hadn't melted away too much today and the golf course was still covered in a white sheet of undisturbed snow...a lovely sight.

I love the look of snow but hate having to get to work in it, so I was pleased to be having today off! No clearing the car of ice for me this morning!

Sadly I didn't get out either as I was waiting in for the delivery of my Olympus e410....which arrived at 4.30pm (cheers CityLink for giving such long appointment times....I work for the Council and even we can do am/pm appointments for housing repairs!!)

Anyhoo, not to taint the day! I'm as giddy as a giddy thing in Giddidom now, and I can't wait to take it out for a spin!!

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