
This Robin appears to be robbing my lunch, namely some nice wholemeal pasta that I intended to combine with some bolognese sauce. Cheeky so and so.

There's a family member of mine who believes very strongly in the robin being a bringer of good luck: some think that they are actually reincarnated loved ones sent to watch over us. After the luck I've had today I wouldn't be surprised.

We had a great day of sales (cheers to JC and Chips who both now have my blip on their favourites. Means I have to watch what I say though....) and to top it off it turns out that the damage to my roof is covered by the insurance. Thank the lord for 50mph winds on January 23rd......

In other news I actually picked up a snow shovel and showed a bit of willing today by starting the job of 'yard clearance' early doors. The generator was down so we had no power, the pipes were frozen so we had no water and the heating was off so everyone was fucking moaning. I thought a spell on a snow shovel in the yard would keep me warm and inspired.

That lasted 3 minutes and 17 seconds. Simples.

The yard isn't that small, I just don't have the morale fibre to see a job through to the end: especially not when I have three other lads under me willing to crack on.

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