
Yesterdays wedding went well.

The good weather I ordered arrived right on time.

Daughter looked absolutely stunning and I couldn't have been happier for her.

We were taken to the venue in an old Riley built in 1934 and daughter loved the way everyone looked at the car, honked their horns and waved ....... even the drunk louts in the street opposite the hotel in South Queensferry shouted, waved and gave her the thumbs up.

Unfortunately there had been an accident on the Forth Bridge and that caused holdups and tail backs all over the place and several guests were a bit late in arriving ......... although we must have taken a slightly different route because we saw nothing of the hold ups.

The ceremony was held back a bit until we were told that everyone had arrived.

The two flower girls (aged 4) were great and were really keen to walk down the aisle together despite fears from their mothers they they would be too shy.

As the music started and the flower girls started off I was told that my sister hadn't arrived with my Dad. Daughter made the descision to go ahead (we hadn't heard from them and her husband to be would have been suicidal if the music had been stopped without his bride appearing).

Sister and Dad arrived in time to hear the announcement that the principals were now Man and Wife.

The speeches went off without a hitch and despite not having witten one, mine seemed to get go down quite well and the level of embarassement to daughter was pitched at about the right level ........ severe but not quite mortified.

The meal was wonderful and the whole thing was run with almost military prescission .............. hats off to the entire staff.

There were over 2000 pictures taken by the photographers (2 girls -sisters- we have known since birth) who are fantastic professionals who do the most amazing preperation to know the names of most people so there is no 'Hey you! - Over here'. Quick, efficient, unobtusive with a geat eye for a candid.

The celerbrations went on into the small hours and I was very good and stayed sober although I did have a 'few' drinks over the day/night. Back pain was staved off to a great extent thanks to prescriptions drugs the the Doctor promised would not leave me comatose.

The only real downside to the day for me was the fact that my Dad didn't recognise me at all and my sister seemed to feel that this was perfectly okay (after all - he knew who she was). She also ushered him out without me getting the chance to say cherrio (even if he didn't know who I was I would have liked to say goodnight).

Today it has been collecting things - moving them from one place to another - organising return of hire outfits etec., etc., etc..

Now I feel like that damn cat - could sleep anywhere.

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