starting over...

By nannalind

Day #3 - From a high angle

here I was a bit ahead of the challange... - this was supposed to be day #5 but I´m posting it here anyway and will be moving my entry from day #5 here when I have restored it... - blip is not making life easy for you when you are to busy to post each day...

took my friends for a walk around the town today - showing them some of the interesting things we have to offer - of course I started by taking them to my exhibition about childrens books and reading - the theme of the exhibition is favorite books from your childhood - 26 persons told me about their favorite book and why - working on this project was so much fun, talking to all this people, talking about these books and seeing their faces light up when thay opened their old favorite - the joy and magic of reading is such that people seem to go back to that happy place or memory connected with each book - so amazing - so wonderful

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