My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

It does break your heart to see them cry

Hi all

Sorry i havent posted in a few days, just to let you know i do have gestational diabetes so im trying to get my numbers down which isnt easy and when you are following advice. Im still hittin 13.9 if anyone knows about diabetes. I really want things to be ok as i dont want the baby to have problems, he still may have to come earlier if he piles weight on, i have a scan thurs to checck his growth so please keep all crossed hes ok.

This photo is still to do with love and hearts but this photo breaks my heart but i was a naughty muumy getting the photo. Dont get me wrong Thomas had loads of cuddles, he was crying because we were outside in the snow today and after 10 mins his little hands were cold even though he had gloves, another photo to show him when he is older.

Hope your well

Vicky. xxxx

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