Frank & Ted

By franknted

What a day...

It really started late last night when I got a phone call to say that my brother had had an accident on his motorbike and was en route to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. Fortunately nothing broken, just a hole in his leg that made it easy for us to see his knee cap... And some really nasty grazes from where he slid down the road. He was patched up and allowed home.

There really are some sights in A&E at that time of the morning.. Mostly young and extremely drunk people, some of whom deciding that the best thing to do was to through abuse at the staff, who are trying to treat them for the numerous injuries that they have needlessly sustained.... Not nice..

Have to say that the staff that dealt with my brother were fantastic, and really do not deserve to have to put up with ,mindless drunk muppets on a regular basis.

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