Life Slips By

By Cider12

Room 300

Since I was going to spend 6 hours on the road today to get to a job interview, I thought I would surely run into the number 300 such luck.

So when I got here and the guy at the desk was going to put me in room #302, I asked if room #300 was available... I vaguely explained why & said that might be a bit strange, but he said there was no such thing as weird in this town. Everyone was odd here, that's why they ended up here.

I think I'm going to like it in this place...

Thank you all for making blip such a wonderful, wonderful place to hang out!

And send "hire Juliette" vibes to Southern Vermont this evening and all of tomorrow...fingers crossed...

Juliette (& Cider who is at home being snuggled by a friend)

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