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By PoWWow

Lapping luxury, but...

As we approach the two month mark of living out in this insanely beautiful place, we realise all of a sudden that we are becoming increasingly detached from normality. One might describe this as succumbing to the Chamonix bubble- where life as we knew it, with the regular trials + tribulations , ceases to exist. Grappling around for rent + bill money, with encroaching increased sweats + raised blood pressure that would occur towards the end of each month by counting out the pennies to ensure continued residence in our flat is just one major, much welcomed absence in our new world. Taking it in turns to buy frugal food to sustain nutrition levels seems like a distant memory, as we take to the supermarkets with a blank cheque with our bosses name in the corner + fill the trolley with sumptuous munch, barely taking note of the euro signs that sit next to each produce. Detachment from the outside world, with no injections of world news and only scrapings of internet use just about keeping us in touch with much loved and missed family and friends back home has created a supernaturally unreal awareness of what life was like before. . Take today, for example. After a seriously spooky ski up in a landscape devoid of any visual stimulation in a complete white out, we scurried over to the other uninhabited chalet + plunged in a boiling hot tub on the balcony attached to the master bedroom and stayed there until the sauna was hot enough to go and while away the rest of the afternoon in an almost perfect state of relaxed bliss. Closely followed, and suitably invigorated enough to recline back on a sumptuously comfy and oversized couch to switch on the giant plasma screen + indulge finally in the latest film version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, accompanied of course by a selection of Italian beers . It doesn't get much better.

So, to conclude on this little reflection station, I think whilst we're here and caught up in the whole paranormal world, I'm learning to just enjoy it all, and try to keep the guilt of hedonism at bay- but not to ignore craving the edginess, the graft and the reality of the real world as it sporadically creeps up and thankfully to be reminded that I do still host a lot of ambitions that extend beyond indulging in other people's indulgent lives.

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