My Beautiful Boy

Ally won Man of the Match again at rugby this morning. Meanwhile Bella won praise from many people for leading our Brownie pack in singing a song at Church Parade.

Sadly it was downhill from there and shortly before Jackie, Tony and Susie left, Bella threw a marble at Ally and restyled his smile...

I have a weather station that is not yet set up but I plan to inform my Dad of our weather daily once it is. So he can plot it against the weather in sunny Yorkshire and we shall finally decide who has the best weather. Anyway, I mention this as I have to tell you all we have had no snow, in fact no frost this morning. It is positively tropical...

An update on the tooth - our dentist (Ben's sister) syas it needs an emergency repair tomorrow as the pulp is showing - so I have the treat of phoning around for an emergency dental appointment first thing tomorrow morning. Wish us luck!

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