Robin redbreast

Not much time to blip today thus another of our little friend "Robin".

Through visiting Mum this morning. Took her to the supermarket for some supplies and then up to the farm to see my Uncle and Aunt. On the way there we saw something which made me extremely angry. We were driving along a rural road and saw a taxi driving slowly in the distance in front of us. A wee dog was running along at the side of the taxi. When the driver saw us he stopped quickly and opened his door. The wee dog jumped in and proceeded to hang out the driver's window. Surely this is not how this "eejit" exercises his dog?

Went to the coffee shop for lunch and then received a welcome phone call from my friend and her husband who came for a visit this afternoon.

Definately time now for a read at the Sunday papers and catch up with my blip comments. Hope you have had a lovely weekend.

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