A good romp....
in the snow has worked wonders for Pepé and his bad foot.... on Friday we think Pepé twisted his paw/foot/leg/toe.. one minute he was fine the next he went a bit lame,so Mrs Hipkin (owner of Marley) phoned her sister who is a vet nursey lady and she said it sounds like soft tissue damage,but if he put NO pressure on it by Saturday am I was to go to Saturday surgery with him at the vets... well,to be fair Pepé does pretend sometimes to limp when you have been out a while,so I carried him back to the car and he did limp a bit at home but by Saturday 9am he was putting his paw down more and then he attacked the postman and tried to get up his shorts so I figure he had just bruised the leg somehow.Today I walked him and he ran like something possessed henceforth THANK GOD I did not rush to the vet and pay £38 to be told its a bruise.
I wonder if anyone has moaned on the forums yet about 'snow' blips... aahhahaha I am almost hoping they have as I have a bad head and reallllly fancy going into one :D maybe I should pre-empt someone moaning about snow blips... no,no,I shall bide my time.....
I could not get Eve and Flora to the Uni this morning for climbing club as the A46 had been shut due to an accident...... which actually leads me nicely into people driving like prats in this weather..... I despair for this world,I really do,no wonder I prefer animals to most humans.Tsssskkk.
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