Rodents rule

By squirk

You will need

I must remember the pegs on Monday. I must remember the pegs on Monday...

I had a meeting this morning in which it became apparent that miniature pegs were needed for the photoshoot on Monday. Fortunately, I have some - only seven, but I think they will do the trick.

I had some banter on the Tube on the way to the meeting, which is highly unusual. I was wedged in and couldn't see which station the train had stopped at and I tried to crane my neck over all the taller people to see. The guy wedged beside me took this as a sign that I wanted to alight, but I stopped him and asked which stop it was. It turned out to be two stops prior to the one I needed. It doesn't sound like a comedy moment, but at 9am for me and this particular gentleman and his friend, it was. It fair cheered me up.

Then, at Bethnal Green station, where I waited for my colleague, I witnessed the most friendly tube guard ever. He waved and chatted to the folk coming and going, asking after their partners and their health. Folk called him "boss man" and he called various chaps "young man". It was refreshing.

My meeting was freezing (no heating in the studio), but productive. We're all set for Monday. I will remember to wear my thermals.

In the evening, I watched Priest, which wasn't too bad (it has a low rating everywhere). I wasn't sure about basing the vampires on mole-rats, but it breaks the stereotype. The landscapes were stunning and the story kept me going. I'd watch a Priest II if ever such a film was made. It seemed to hint at such a venture at the end of the film.

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