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By canoemoose

Clement Marfo & The Frontline (ii)

Here they are.
Not knowing how modern musical genres work, I'm going to call them shouty-rappy-pop-with-lots-of-guitar. It was one of those gigs that you can't tell in advance what's going to happen until the night - putting an act on as part of a club night is always a tricky thing to get right, more so if they're not huge.
Luckily, the crown loved them. I was impressed myself - even though shouty-rappy-pop-with-lots-of-guitar isn't exactly my cup of tea, it was easy to see that they're a bunch of talented musicians and also great guys.
A club night gig has another good side too - a disco loadout, which I love. The whole urgency of the situation, combined with the need to communicate using thoughts, glances and head movements just works as a well-oiled machine and the whole stage can be clear within an hour.

Prediction: they'll go far.

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