Too Old?

I previously blipped the deck over a year ago and it has been gathering dust in the back bedroom for over 2 years. I saw it there all forlorn and decided on action, quick trip to and I ordered a basic set up kit.

It arrived on weds, but I had an OU course assignment to complete, so just like my parents would have told me, I got my homework done before i went out to play!

Now, I've never owned a skateboard before, (deprived childhood!) so haven't had the chance to learn at 12 when you bounce easily, have no fear and have a low centre of gravity.

Is 32 too old to learn to skate?

Had a go on the traffic free track out the back of the house, only falling off once. Got to remember to weight the front foot through turns, it's not like a surfboard!

Will have to schedule practice sessions after all the local yoofs have gone to bed.... don't want to be shown up!

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