Dolly's Day

By dollydoug

Feathered friend

This is my F blip for today. A big Fat wood pigeon in my garden.

I took this shot in the morning but if things had gone to plan I would probably have had a different blip today.


I was supposed to go to Newcastle to meet up with Sean - he is my son in law's brother in law. He lives in Leicestershire and is an Aston Villa fan. He is staying in Newcastle for a couple of days with a few of his mates and they are going to see Newcastle play Aston Villa tomorrow.

I got all my glad rags on, got wrapped up warmly as it was freezing cold and set out to the bus stop around 6.30pm. It was raining. Everywhere was icy and slippery with more rain freezing on top of ice. Stood at the bus stop for 50mins. No bus. Gave up and went home. Shame as I was looking forward to the evening.

As my late husband Douglas used to say ( a quote from his Grandfather) " There is nothing easier got than a disappointment." So true.

Anyway I think I will be meeting up with Sean and his pals after the match tomorrow. Fingers crossed that the buses are running OK - and that the weather is such that the match goes ahead.

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